Monday 20 August 2012

Create a management app in few minutes with active admin and rails 3.2

ActiveLeonardo let you create a management application from scratch in few minutes.

The generator is not intended to churn out the finished product but provides a basis from which to start. It creates the skeleton of the application which will cut out a dress and as we know a nice dress should be tailored by hand.

The achievement is remarkable and I recommend you give it a try.

On github there is a short tutorial and here I show you a more descriptive guide to clarify its potential.

I can summarize with this three simple steps:
  1. Create the new app
  2. Adding resources (information to manage)
  3. Starting the web server, the end!

You choose the name, you define the resources, all the remnant is a load of your PC.
My Windows 7 laptop with a second generation i7 and a 7200 rpm hard use about 1 minute. With a desktop and a SSD the operation is almost instantaneous. In any case the generator will create all the necessary in very little time and with minimum effort.

I will create a container of information in this case a rudimentary issue tracker (but could also be a recipe book, a blog, etc..) So we start by creating the application LeoTicket:

rails new LeoTicket -m

To accept the proposed sections just answer y. I suggest you add everything to better follow this tutorial.
The template allows you to add some basic gem for handling authentication, the permissions, the states ... you can add everything you need. 
If you include the authentication you can choose the name of the resource, the default user is used but you can replace it by any other name (eg Author) as long as you remember to specify it when you create the following resources to allow the generator successfully compile the file permissions. To do this you need to pass the parameter to the generator of the resource, for example:
rails g leosca category name --auth_class=Author

The generator leolay replaces the original file en.yml (initially empty) with his custom, answer y to overwrite it. It is not done automatically if it is not the first generation (eg to update the generator), in this case we have to manually manage the conflicts.

At this point the application is already running and we can verify this by entering the directory of the new application and starting the server:
rails s
Open your web browser and go to the address:

You will be prompted to authenticate, insert:

And you will be redirected to the dashboard:

It has been already created the management of the users and this is the starting point for developing the application.. We provide resources thus creating two category:

In the REST architecture, a resource is largely attributable to a table on a database.

rails g leosca category name

Since Rails 3.2, the fields are considered as string if type is omitted so that is no longer necessary to specify it.

and now we can add the resource ticket:

rails g leosca ticket category:references title description:text state:integer

category:references tells to Rails to create an association with that resource: it creates a foreign key category_id and an index that uses to manage the relationship, in the ticket model there will be:

belongs_to :category 

means that the ticket can query its category but not vice versa, if we want to query all the ticket you need to enter in the template category:

has_many :tickets

Let's go back to the project and check the result but first we have to apply to the db in that the generator has created for us:

rake db:migrate
==  CreateCategories: migrating ===============================================
-- create_table(:categories)
   -> 0.1430s
==  CreateCategories: migrated (0.1440s) ======================================
==  CreateTickets: migrating ==================================================
-- create_table(:tickets)
   -> 0.0040s
-- add_index(:tickets, :category_id)
   -> 0.0010s
==  CreateTickets: migrated (0.0070s) =========================================

in order to facilitate the development stage, are generated generic records that you may also update before insert in the db to create more real cases:

  { :id => 1, :name => "Bug" },
  { :id => 2, :name => "Update" },
  { :id => 3, :name => "Implementation" },
].each do |fields|
  category = fields = fields[:id]

  {  :category_id => 1,  :title => "New bug",  :description => "I had a bug, damn!",  :state => 10 },
  {  :category_id => 2,  :title => "Change this section",  :description => "I require a change",  :state => 10 },
  {  :category_id => 3,  :title => "New section",  :description => "I need a new resource to manage ...",  :state => 10 },

We want the id of the category is fixed and does not automatically attributed so we specify it and add it to the db with an alternative way to what is proposed by the generator. I do not know if there is a better way to do it.

Before proceeding we add the attribute category_id to the list of accessible attributes:

class Ticket < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :category
  attr_accessible :description, :state, :title, :category_id

And now we add these records to the database:
rake db:seed

If you receive the following error:
rake aborted!
Can't mass-assign protected attributes: category_id
You have not added category_id to the list of accessible attributes.

If you receive a "primary key violation" error:
rake aborted!
SQLite3::ConstraintException: PRIMARY KEY must be unique
You're probably running the import again, comments the categories in the file seeds.rb

You can run it multiple times to add more records.

The test application is ready, restart the server and update the browser:
 rails s

Easy, not it?

The next steps are:
  1. Developing localization
  2. Customize permissions
  3. Customize activeadmin views
  4. Develop models
  5. Create any alternative frontend


The application comes localized in English (default) and Italian (but you can extend the generator pretty easily) and just change the tags within files config/locales/*.yml

Customize permissions

Using cancan, edit the permissions is very simple, it is all contained within the file app/models/ability.rb

Customize views

Also Active Admin customizations are very simple. Everything is concentrated in the file relative to resource: list, consultation, form data, exports etc..
Each file is located in the folder app/admin/*.rb

We can customize many things:

ActiveAdmin.register Ticket do
  menu :if => proc{ can?(:read, Ticket) }
  #change the default sort
  config.sort_order = 'id_asc'
  #add scopes: lists with preset filters
  scope :open
  scope :closed
  controller do
    load_resource :except => :index

  #choose the column in the list
  index do
    column :category
    column :title
    column :description
    column I18n.t('attributes.ticket.state'), :sortable => :state do |ticket|
      span ticket.human_state_name.capitalize, :class => "status #{ticket.state_name}"
  end the show
  show do |ticket|
    attributes_table do
      row :category
      row :title
      row :description
      row I18n.t('attributes.ticket.state') do
        span ticket.human_state_name.capitalize, :class => "status #{ticket.state_name}"
  #...the form
  form do |f|
    f.inputs do
      f.input :category
      f.input :title
      f.input :description
      f.input :state, :as => :select, :collection =>{|s|[s.human_name.capitalize, s.value]}, :include_blank => false
  #...and customize the export
  csv do
    column I18n.t('models.category') do |ticket| 
    column :title
    column :description
    column I18n.t('attributes.ticket.state') do |ticket|
    column(I18n.t('attributes.created_at')) { |user| user.created_at.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") }
    column(I18n.t('attributes.updated_at')) { |user| user.updated_at.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") }
...and many other things for which I refer you to the official documentation of ActiveAdmin.

Pay attention to load related resources! (eager loading)
In rails is automatic but if it is not indicated to load them in advance, they will be retrieved when needed.

If we check in log / development.log will notice three individual queries to the archive of the categories, one for each ticket for which you show the name:

  [1m [36mCategory Load (1.0ms) [0m   [1mSELECT "categories".* FROM "categories" WHERE "categories"."id" = 1 LIMIT 1 [0m
  [1m [35mCategory Load (1.0ms) [0m  SELECT "categories".* FROM "categories" WHERE "categories"."id" = 2 LIMIT 1
  [1m [36mCategory Load (1.0ms) [0m   [1mSELECT "categories".* FROM "categories" WHERE "categories"."id" = 3 LIMIT 1 [0m

For small lists is not a big problem but instead it is for large amounts of data, such as extractions csv format, so you need a little change on the controller. ActiveAdmin relies on Inherited Resources and you must act in this way:

ActiveAdmin.register Ticket do
  controller do
    load_resource :except => :index
    def index
      super do |format|
        format.html { @tickets = @tickets.includes(:category) }
        format.csv { @tickets = @tickets.includes(:category) }

If you now check the log again you find a single query:
  [1m [36mCategory Load (0.0ms) [0m   [1mSELECT "categories".* FROM "categories" WHERE "categories"."id" IN (1, 2, 3) [0m

Develop models

Models management is also very simple. We modify the related files in app / models / *. Rb adding validations, scopes, state management, etc..

class Ticket < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :category
  attr_accessible :description, :state, :title, :category_id
  state_machine :state, :initial => :new do
    state :new,           :value => 10
    state :working,       :value => 20
    state :canceled,      :value => 30
    state :completed,     :value => 40
  OPEN_STATES =  [state_machine.states[:new].value, 
  CLOSED_STATES =  [state_machine.states[:canceled].value, 
  validates :state, :inclusion => { :in =>,
                                       :message => "%{value} is not a valid value! Available states: #{', ')}" }, :allow_nil => true

  scope :open, where(:state => OPEN_STATES)
  scope :closed, where(:state => CLOSED_STATES)

And here is the customized version:

Form dati

For the moment thats all

If you like this article take a look at my sponsors, thank you!

Thursday 23 February 2012

Leonardo: update to 1.10 version

With 1.10 version I introduced the following changes:

  • In the index page, I moved the filters on the right and layout now seems more clean. For numeric fields, and dates can be filtered more easily by inserting the operator <, >, <>, <= o >= directly in the text field.
  • The generator detects the field named "state" and imposed a series of operations to manage the state (intended as the process status) in accordance with the gem state_machine.
  • Still in the index page, clicking the arrow beside the name of the nested resource, will perform an ajax call that adds information dynamically under the parent resource. Clicking on the name instead, you run a http call as before.
  • I improved the automatic routes creation

But we get into detail with some examples.
Create a new application and name it as suggested by your imagination, I call it Leonardo:

rails new Leonardo -m template.rb

At the moment is recommended to use the template locally, so download it or take it from the root where you installed the gem.

Respond y everything you want to include. You can choose whether to install the gems locally, by specifying the name of the folder, or if you install it in the default path by simply pressing Enter. I also added the choise to install activeadmin and if you decide to include it you need:

rename the file app\assets\stylesheets\application.css to application.css.scss

inside that file remove the line
*= require_tree .

and add at the bottom
@import "cloudy";
cloudy is the style name, currently also the only one

if we now start the server and visit the address

You should see the graphic layout without defects created by the interference of the activeadmin css
and here

you can sign in activeadmin using the default credentials as currently reported in the documentation e password

will be accessible only to the dashboard and I would refer you to the documentation for how to use it.
To sign in the leonardo interface instead, you have the usual three users with three different roles that can be managed as provided by the gem

replace leonardo with the name of your application

for all these the password is รจ abcd1234

now create the product resource taking advantage of rails 3.2:

rails g leosca product name description:text 'price:decimal{9,2}' 'in_stock:integer{2}' available:boolean from:date 'state:integer{1}'

create the table
rake db:migrate

If we added the state field, Leonardo tries to involve the gem state_machine so you have to add the states into the model:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  state_machine :state, :initial => :new do
    state :new,         :value => 10
    state :working,     :value => 20
    state :completed,   :value => 30
    state :closed,      :value => 40
    state :canceled,    :value => 50

before populate the new table, edit the file db \ seed.rb customizing state values ​​as included in the model after which we can perform:
rake db:seed

Visit the product list:

Note the filter on the price for values ​​above 10 pound, with the operator directly in the text box before the value

Note also the State column with the default color and description I18n both easily customizable.

To change the language, you just pass the parameter lang anywhere in the application:

will change the standard text and the names will be translated manually into the file:

In edit view, the states can be update by a select box:

Now create comment, a nested resource under product:

rails g leosca comment product:references body:text approved:boolean 'score:integer{1}' --under=product

Also in this case, before to populate the table you can customize the file db \ seed.rb inserting for example more records associated with the first product. Furthermore I usually comment out the entries have already been used to avoid creating duplicates, then perform again:
rake db:seed

if we visit the previous list, you will find the reference to nested resources and if you click on the small arrow next to the name the list will be updated directly with the list of related resource:

Of course leonardo provides only a starting point and nothing more than an unconventional scaffolds

Unfortunately, I was not able to update rspec tests which do not pass in the presence of the state field, but will be in next version.

I hope that this work will come in handy. There is still much to do and anyone interested to help me out can send me an email.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Leonardo: update to version 1.9

I just released the1.9 version which enhances and completes the resources management.

If you use the --under option to nest the new resource under another existing one, must be edited the file config / routes.rb because the operation will create the new routes nested, overwriting the originals.

For example if we create the product resource, leonardo will create these routes:
resources :products do
  post :select,           :on => :collection
  post :edit_multiple,    :on => :collection
  put  :update_multiple,  :on => :collection
  put  :create_multiple,  :on => :collection

if then we create the comment resource under product you will get:
resources :products do
  resources :comments do
    post :select,           :on => :collection
    post :edit_multiple,    :on => :collection
    put  :update_multiple,  :on => :collection
    put  :create_multiple,  :on => :collection

resources :products do
  post :select,           :on => :collection
  post :edit_multiple,    :on => :collection
  put  :update_multiple,  :on => :collection
  put  :create_multiple,  :on => :collection

but you have to join it to get something like this:
resources :products do
  post :select,           :on => :collection
  post :edit_multiple,    :on => :collection
  put  :update_multiple,  :on => :collection
  put  :create_multiple,  :on => :collection
  resources :comments do
    post :select,           :on => :collection
    post :edit_multiple,    :on => :collection
    put  :update_multiple,  :on => :collection
    put  :create_multiple,  :on => :collection
Moreover, the list of resources shows a link to the nested resource for the parent who uses the name field. If not present you should replace it with some other field otherwise you can add the method name into the model:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base

  def name

Monday 10 October 2011

Leonardo: Update to version 1.8

With the latest version 1.8 I added the chance to sort the columns by this approach:

I also added by default the auto submit to the search form on the index view when the values ​​are changed for fields like select, radio ... those with a net change of the value, avoiding the text box to not encumbering the database. However it is possible to add or remove this feature, by adding or removing the autosubmit class :

<%= f.collection_select :category_id, Category.all, :id, :name, {:prompt => true}, {:class => 'autosubmit'} %>

In custom.js file (called from application.js) I added a bind (or more precisely, a live):

$('.autosubmit').live('change', function() {
  setTimeout("$('#""').parents('form:first').submit();", 300);
  return false;

I use a timeout to run the submit after eventual updates, usually hidden fields coupled to self completions which currently leonardo does not handle but it will do soon.

With version 1.7 released in late September that I have introduced the option leospace:

rails g leosca decode name:string --leospace=admin

I fixed the code for compatibility with Ruby 1.9.2 which has a slightly different String class.

Now the development users are no longer created by migration, being a database population their place is in the file db / seeds.rb used with rake db: seed. Handy for db:reset or db: schema: load utilities that previously they deleted users.

Create the resource "decode " in no namespace and only the management under the namespace specified in the parameter leospace.

The original scaffold has something similar as well, let's take this example:
rails g scaffold admin/decode name:string

This creates the resource and its management in admin namespace.

We examine the differences:

Both will create paths in admin namespace:

With the scaffold, the resource is called Admin:: Decode and table admin_decodes

With leonardo, the resource is called only Decode and it is not under a namespace. The table is called decodes.

The transaction meets the need to create different interfaces for the same resource. Of course you can also use the original leonardo Methodology:
rails g leosca admin/decode name:string

The latest updates details:

1.8.3 (November 8th, 2011) Marco Mastrodonato
  • Controller/sort_column => Fixed an issue with multiple tables
  • Dev users are now added by rake db:seed, no more by migration
1.8.2 (October 10th, 2011) Marco Mastrodonato
  • List: Added id as first column
  • Replaced String.any? with String.size>0 for ruby 1.9.2 support

1.8.1 (October 10th, 2011) Marco Mastrodonato
  • Updated rspec to pass index view test with two new controller helpers
  •  Date managed with datepicker are now in year-month-day format and now works with sqlite3
  • Added autosubmit class by default. A new function in custom.js let you to autosubmit searches on filter fields change event
1.8.0 (October 7th, 2011) Marco Mastrodonato
  •  Added sortable columns
1.7.2 (October 5th, 2011) Marco Mastrodonato
  • Updated formtastic support to version 2.0
  • Updated template.rb
1.7.1 (October 3th, 2011) Marco Mastrodonato
  • Fixed a layout issue
1.7.0 (September 28th, 2011) Marco Mastrodonato
  • New feature to add a resource management within a namescape. Unlike the original way (rails g leosca admin/resource ...which remains available), the resource is not under the namespace but only its management so you could create one for several kind of users. Try it adding the new option like this example: --leospace=admin
  • Huge code improvements

Thursday 21 April 2011

Huge files on windows server 2008 R2 64bit

In the previous article I discussed the simple operation read and write of three files with sizes between 330Mb to 2.6 GB on a standard PC with Windows XP. Now we see the changes to a virtual server, a production system that involves an ever increasing number of companies.

The languages ​​examined are:

Ruby 1.8.6 p383 (2009-08-04) [i386-mingw32]
Ruby 1.8.7 p334 (2011-02-18) [i386-mingw32]
Ruby 1.9.2 p180 (2011-02-18) [i386-mingw32]
jruby 1.6.1 (ruby-1.8.7-p330) (2011-04-12) (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_23) [Windows Server 2008 R2-amd64-java]
IronRuby (ruby-1.9.2) on .NET 4.0.30319.225
Python 2.7.1 32bit
Python 2.7.1 64bit
Python 3.2.0 32bit
Python 3.2.0 64bit
Php 5.3.6 vc9 unsafe thread
Lua 5.1.4 40
C# 32bit on .NET 2.0.50727.4927
C# 64bit on .NET 2.0.50727.4927
C# 32bit on .NET 4.0.30319.1
C# 64bit on .NET 4.0.30319.1

Only python provides x64 installation packages and I took the opportunity to compare them with the 32-bit versions. Perhaps the differences will be more relevant with math operations instead of IO, but I opened the way for the next comparison.
The Ruby version is the 1.8.6 mingw32 and not the mswin32 as in the previous test. IronRuby instead is the latest 1.1.3 which support ruby 1.9.2 and not 1.8.6 as the version of the previous test with which, however, shares the same framework. net and the same IO section.
This time I also added C # in comparison. I have compiled four different versions for the platform, x86 and x64, and also for the framework, 3.5 and 4. .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 uses the same CLR version.
Honor to IronRuby, the first of the group that is even above than C #, a compiled language and with which it shares a lot. It 's true that this test does not require very high computing power but it is certainly a curious result.

And here also a summary on the memory usage:

Lua 5.1.4 0,7mb
Php 5.3.6 2,2mb
Python 2.7.1 32bit 2,5mb
Python 3.2.0 32bit 3,7mb
Python 2.7.1 64bit 4mb
Python 3.2.0 64bit 5,5mb
Ruby 1.9.2p180 4-6mb
Ruby 1.8.6p383 4-9mb
Ruby 1.8.7p334 4-9mb
C# 32bit on .NET 2.0.50727.4927 7mb
C# 32bit on .NET 4.0.30319.1 7mb
C# 64bit on .NET 2.0.50727.4927 9mb
C# 64bit on .NET 4.0.30319.1 9mb
IronRuby on .NET 4.0.30319.225 11mb
jruby 1.6.1 (JVM 64-Bit Server 1.6.0_23) jruby 1mb + java 200mb

This is the C# code that I compiled with Visual Studio 2010:

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace Split
    class Program


        /// To split a file into n output files

Filename and records number to split
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strInput = args[0];
            string strOutput = "out_{0:000}.txt";
            Int32 nrec_to_split = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);

            DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("C# {1} Started at {0:R}, please wait...", t1, System.Environment.Version);

            StreamReader sr;
            StreamWriter sw = null;
            sr = new StreamReader(strInput);
            Int16 nsplit = 0;
            Int64 nrec = 0;
            while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
                if (nrec % nrec_to_split == 0)
                    if (sw != null) sw.Close();
                    sw = new StreamWriter(String.Format(strOutput, nsplit));

            Console.WriteLine("Ended at {0:R}, please wait...", DateTime.Now);
            Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time {0}", DateTime.Now - t1);


Tuesday 19 April 2011

Ruby python php lua at work with huge files

Let's see how well does the IO section of some of the most popular scripting languages​​. The exercise consists of reading sequentially several large input file and split it into smaller files.

The languages ​​under consideration are:

Ruby 1.8.6 p287 (2008-08-11) [i386-mswin32]
Ruby 1.8.7 p334 (2011-02-18) [i386-mingw32]
Ruby 1.9.2 p180 (2011-02-18) [i386-mingw32]
jruby 1.5.1 (ruby 1.8.7 patch 249) (Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.6.0_14) [x86-java]
jruby 1.5.1 (ruby 1.8.7 patch 249) (Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.6.0_24) [x86-java]
jruby 1.6.1 (ruby-1.8.7-p330) (Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.6.0_24) [Windows XP-x86-java]
IronRuby on .NET 4.0.30319.225
Python 2.6.2
Python 2.7.1
Python 3.2.0
Php 5.3.6 vc9 unsafe thread
Lua 5.1.4 40

We start by creating the three input files needed for the test:

ruby new.rb input1.txt 185000 1799 => 330Mb
ruby new.rb input2.txt 500000 1799 => 880Mb
ruby new.rb input3.txt 1500000 1799 => 2,6Gb

These measurements were made ​​on a PC Cpu Intel E7300 Core2 Duo 2,66Ghz Ram 3,25Gb with Windows XP Professional 32bit, Hard Disk ST3250310AS Barracuda 7200.10 SATA 3.0Gb/s 250Gb.
Soon it will also perform on a Server Windows 2008 R2 64bit on VMWare Xeon X7460 Dual Core at 2,66Ghz and 2Gb di ram with SCSI disks.
Before and after creating the three input files I defragmented the disk. If the times are erratic means that the disk should be defragmented or there is something that slows down the system such as the antivirus which must be disabled.
For every file I run six benchs and considering the poor performance of the IO system, I dropped the three worst. Of course, before each test I removed the output files.
The graphs are explicit.
Only one comment about ruby 1.9.2 which has obvious problems of IO and these results are not in line with the overall performance of this language that, as I have checked from previous tests, are very good.

These are the scripts that I wrote:
# Written by Marco Mastrodonato on 19/04/2011
# Script to split a file into n output files
# Example:
# ruby split.rb par1 par2
# par1 => name [default => input1.txt]
# par2 => record number that determines the number of output files [default => 1650]

strinput = ARGV[0] || 'input1.txt'
nrec_to_split = ARGV[1] ? ARGV[1].to_i : 1650

unless File.exists? strinput
	puts "File #{strinput} doesn't exists!" 
	exit 1

stroutput = "out_%03d.txt"

puts "Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION} #{strinput} started at #{t1}, wait please...", "r") do |f|
	nsplit = 0
	nrec = 0
	fileoutput = nil
	while line = f.gets
		if nrec % nrec_to_split == 0
			nsplit += 1
			fileoutput.close if fileoutput
			fileoutput = % nsplit, 'w')
		fileoutput.write line
		nrec += 1
	fileoutput.close if fileoutput

puts "Ended at #{}"
puts "Elapsed time #{ - t1}"
exit 0
# Written by Marco Mastrodonato on 19/04/2011
# Script to split a file into n output files
# Example:
# python par1 par2
# par1 => name [default => input1.txt]
# par2 => record number that determines the number of output files [default => 1650]

from time import time, gmtime, strftime
import sys

	strinput = sys.argv[1]
	strinput = 'input1.txt'

stroutput = "out_%03d.txt"

	nrec_to_split = int(sys.argv[2])
	nrec_to_split = 1650

t1 = time()
print(strftime("Started at %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000, wait please...", gmtime()))

nrec = 0
nsplit = 0

fileinput = open(strinput, "r")
for line in fileinput:
	if nrec % nrec_to_split == 0:
		except NameError:
			fileoutput = None
		nsplit += 1
		fileoutput = open(stroutput %nsplit , "w")
	nrec += 1    

print(strftime("Ended at %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime()))
print("Elapsed time %f" %(time() - t1))
 name [default => input1.txt]
// par2 => record number that determines the number of output files [default => 1650]

$strinput = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : 'input1.txt';
$nrec_to_split = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : 1650;
$stroutput = 'out_%03d.txt';

$t1 = microtime_float();
echo "Php ".phpversion()." started at ".date('D, d M Y H:i:s T').", wait please...\n";

$nsplit = 0;
$nrec = 0;

while(!feof($fileinput)) {
	if ($nrec % $nrec_to_split == 0) {
		if (isset($fileoutput)) fclose($fileoutput);
		$fileoutput = fopen(sprintf($stroutput, $nsplit), 'w');
	$buffer = fgets($fileinput);
	fwrite($fileoutput, $buffer);

fclose ($fileinput);

echo "Ended at ".date('D, d M Y H:i:s T')."\n"; 
echo "Elapsed time ".(microtime_float() - $t1)."\n";

function microtime_float() {
	list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
	return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);

Written by Marco Mastrodonato on 19/04/2011
Script to split a file into n output files
lua split.lua par1 par2
par1 => name [default => input1.txt]
par2 => record number that determines the number of output files [default => 1650]
strinput = arg and arg[1] or "input1.txt"
stroutput = "out_%03d.txt"
nrec_to_split = arg and arg[2] and tonumber(arg[2]) or 1650

local t1 = os.clock()
print(_VERSION .. " started at " .."%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000"))

nsplit = 0
nrec = 0
for line in io.lines(strinput) do
  if nrec % nrec_to_split == 0 then
    if fileOut ~= nil then io.close(fileOut) end
    nsplit = nsplit + 1
    fileOut =, nsplit) , 'w')
  fileOut:write (line .. '\n')
  nrec = nrec + 1


print("Ended at " .."%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000"))
print(string.format("Elapsed time: %.2f\n", os.clock() - t1))
To create the files I've used this simple ruby script:
# Example:
# ruby new.rb [NOME] [LINES] [RECORD SIZE]

stroutput = ARGV[0] || 'input1.txt'
num = ARGV[1] ? ARGV[1].to_i : 185000
size = ARGV[2] ? ARGV[2].to_i : 1799

if File.exists? stroutput
	puts "File #{stroutput} already exists!" 
	exit 1

puts "Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION} #{stroutput} started at #{t1}, wait please..."

line = "*" * size, "w") do |f|
	num.times do
		f.puts line

puts "Ended at #{}"
puts "Elapsed time #{ - t1}"
exit 0